Sunday, January 9, 2011

Late Pass?

Hello? Anyone there?


After an AMAZING 2010 filled with a new job, new school, convention presentations, and an academic article or two, I'm "back to basics" and happy as a clam with my baby: the Teach Comics blog.

For the one or two of you who have been kind enough to follow this blog through its "non-existent" year, thank you...your patience and support are the stuff of legends.

Life has felt like it's been on warp speed for the past year, but along the way I've gotten the opportunity to meet some amazing comic creators, educators, and retailers all while gathering a ton of original and shared lesson plans, books, and just plain awesome comic stuff for implementing our favorite medium into classrooms, and I can't wait to share it all with you.

Which brings me to my next point:

With a new year comes a new goal for the rejuvenated Teach Comics blog. While I will still dedicate the lion's share of this year's posts to ready-to-use comic lesson plans, I will also be recommending books that I think are noteworthy for classroom libraries, linking to new and exciting on-line resources, talking about awesome some technology for teaching comics in the classroom, holding a contest (yes, that means prizes) and sharing some hopefully thought-provoking videos and articles about the dire importance of the comic medium and it's necessity in the 21st century classroom.

Okay, Teach Comics is back. Thanks for holding out, or stopping by to read this...I promise the next post will be much more entertaining and useful and a lot less like an apologetic, absentee boyfriend.


P.S.- I'll try to post every Wednesday to start off, and if followers demand it I'll push it up to twice a week. That said, tonight I'm just too giddy and need to post something...I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just logged on to my Blogger Dashboard and noticed you had posted! How are you? Was your year a wonderful one? I'm co-directing the SI in Orono this year; isn't that a hoot?! Hope you are managing to stay involved with NWP. Thanks for the graphic novel list too. Hope to see you sometime!

